IPPS-Southern Region is proud to announce the establishment of the IPPS-SR Educational Endowment Fund. An anonymous donor contributed $20,000 to establish the IPPS-SR Educational Endowment. This Donor’s generosity has laid the foundation and Southern Region now needs your help to build this Endowment.The goal of the IPPS-SR Educational Endowment Fund is to have long-term funding to support educational and outreach activities of IPPS-SR. Programs like the Vivian Munday Scholarship/Work Program that provides students the opportunity to attend our annual conference in exchange for working at the conference, our Early Career Exchange Program, The Vince Dooley Student Scholarship, the Margie Jenkins First Time Attendee Award, and the Charles Student Research Awards Program will be supported by your donations.


Brochure available for download below.

2025 Celebrating 50 Years of Southern Region

Dear IPPS Southern Region Members,
We hope this finds you well and thriving in your love for plant production. As many of you know,
this year marks a significant milestone for the International Plant Production Society Southern
Region (IPPS-SRNA) as we celebrate our 50th anniversary. Over the past five decades, IPPS has
been at the forefront of advancing plant propagation techniques, fostering innovation, and
connecting horticulturists worldwide.

To commemorate this milestone and to ensure our continued impact for the next 50 years and
beyond, we are embarking on a special fundraising campaign. Our goal is ambitious yet
essential: to raise $50,000 in support of educational programs and professional development
opportunities that are the backbone of our society.

We cordially invite you to attend the annual meeting in Orlando, FL, from October 19-23, 2025.
To mark the 50th celebration we are planning a special welcome reception at the hotel with a
live band on the evening of October 19th ! Look for more details in the monthly E-News.
Your support has always been pivotal in shaping the future of horticulture and your
contributions to IPPS matter deeply. Together, we can cultivate a brighter future for our
industry, empowering new generations of horticulturists.

Planned giving through estates and wills supports IPPS by making long-term contributions. By
including IPPS in your estate plans, through a bequest, a percentage of your estate, or naming
IPPS as a beneficiary of retirement plans or life insurance, you nurture the next generation of
horticultural innovators and professionals. Your contribution funds ongoing education,
research, and networking within the horticulture industry. It's a powerful way to make an
impact, reflecting your values and passion for the future of plants. Your generosity helps IPPS
thrive and grow, just as you have throughout your career.

We kindly invite you to celebrate this half century anniversary by contributing to our Education
Endowment. Every dollar brings us closer to our goal and ensures that IPPS continues to lead
the way in plant production excellence. Thank you for being a part of
our community and for your unwavering support. Here's to the next 50
years of growth, innovation, and shared knowledge!

Please scan the QR code to make your tax-deductible donation today.

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