“The Charles Student Research Competition” has been named in honor of Dr. Charles Gilliam, former Professor of Horticulture at Auburn University, and Mr. Charlie Parkerson, originator of the student competition.
Recognition for Quality Research
The most highly respected nursery/green industry organization in the southern United States of America is offering three awards for original research results pertaining to the production of horticultural crops in the southern USA.
Graduate and undergraduate students enrolled in any university, junior, community, or four-year colleges are eligible. Three students will be selected to present oral presentations and four students for poster presentations at the meeting. In past years, the students have reported on many aspects of horticulture – macro and micropropagation, rooting hormones, new substrates, herbicide movement in runoff water, weed control in nursery production, insect control, flowering, nutrition, plant water relations, etc.
The Charles Student Research Competition
Research paper titles are due 15 August and papers are due by 1 September. Three students will be selected to present oral presentations and three students for poster presentations at the meeting.
Four awards, $1000, $500, and $250 will be given to first, second, and third place paper presenters, respectively. This is a great opportunity for students to present their research and meet many of the leading growers in the Southeast.
In addition, the society awards a travel grant up to $500 for each student presenting an oral presentation. Also, three additional student papers will be selected to receive a $500 travel grant to support the student in presenting a poster in the Poster Session.